People don't actually need to hear "I love you!". They consider it even ... boring ... But ... all is needed ... is a treatment for their dark side. Acceptance. ... in its absolute form … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

You see ... I keep analysing myself.

But ... also look around at everyone chasing for a certain type of relationship.

And ... I am sometimes shocked of my conclusions.

Feeling that ... i see only nonsenses.

Today ... i start to realise we don't really look for a love story.

No ...

We only need ... a partner playing the role of a therapist.

To listen to us.

To show us ... compassion.


A person that knows to come up with a solution... for healing our broken souls.

Hearing .... "I love you!" ... is almost useless.


We see it as a nonsense.

... not even understanding its real meaning.

I search for ... such a partner.

I mean ... a partner knowing to play the role of a therapist.

And ... heal my sick soul.

Help me get rid of that ... annoying sickness.

I don't need to hear ... "I love you!".

No ...

I don't need it.

I only need someone that knows to connect to my soul ... listen my nonsenses ... and become aware of what is beyond the boundaries of what can usually be seen by anyone looking at me.

I know it sounds ... weird.

But .... that's what i need.

Nothing more ... nothing less ...


Download the book ”Beyond the boundaries ... of the human being” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.



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